Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 319/365

I finally worked out the solution to running way under aiev each week. The key is to just win enough in aiev to make up for it, see my past week below:

Seriously though, I am fairly happy with how I'm playing right now, but most of it just has to do with a lack of cooler spots and flopping better than I have for the past couple of months.

My motivation has waxed and waned and I have had a few distractions in the past week but I did manage to get ahead of pace a bit. It felt good to crack through the 20k behind pace mark, and the 850k vpp mark. The next couple of weeks are still super make or break and I really need to get through the 900k mark asap. I really think its still a coinflip as to whether I get done by Christmas Eve.

Anyway, the numbers:

VPP/Pace = 853,049 / 872,603

$Poker = $73,469

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