Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 60/365

Well February is over, and that makes me pretty happy. The problem with February is that its such a short month that I didn't ever really feel like I was gonna put up big numbers. March on the other hand has me excited, I can't wait. I'm going away for the day on Friday, so if I am able to put together a couple of winning pace days tomorrow and Thursday I will be able to go clear my head with 180k VPPs and a solid start. I really want to crush January's total.

I feel like my game has improved a lot in the past week and I've had several epiphanies, particularly with regard to game selection. I've started working on my shorthanded game a fair bit as well again and may start 9 tabling that a bit too. I think seat and game selection will be the decider in whether I end this year in the black or red pre-rakeback.

I honestly dont have much else to say, not much else of relevance to this blog has really happened.

February total profit graph below:

It's funny that I ended at $6842, but I made about $4k in the first 5 days or so, and made about $3k in the last 5 days or so, most of February was pretty bad haha.

Graph without rakeback:

And to add to February, just to show what I was discussing in my last blog post, here is my graph in big bets, to remove the fact that this month I just ran insanely bad at higher stakes:

Finally, the numbers:

VPP/Pace = 173,594 / 163,014

$Poker = $4032 ($16357)

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